Джованни Ф. Акколла, Франко Кардини, Доменико Дель Неро, Джордано Бруно Герри, Дженнаро Мальджери, Дженнаро Санджулиано, Мирелла Серри, Марчелло Венециани.

Джованни Ф. Акколла, Франко Кардини, Доменико Дель Неро, Джордано Бруно Герри, Дженнаро Мальджери, Дженнаро Санджулиано, Мирелла Серри, Марчелло Венециани.
«Без претензий, но спасибо Марио Боззи Центьери за то, что он напомнил мне закономерности, которые я запомнил из прекрасной книги Вагнера «Нибелунги», которая является сердечной данью уважения не только великим композиторам, но и авторам прекрасных писем Листа и другим (это Бодлеры).
Glimpse: Я хочу, чтобы читатели Totality знали, что я также существую в только что изданной книге «Журавлиная башня Александра Родченко и линия summae tenuitatis», изданной Кампантото в Удине, но я попал на эту страницу через Вагнериану в августе и осветил своими неиссякаемыми фонарями.
Это напоминает мне, быть может, странный, необъяснимый эффект, когда я, едва заметив (в школе мало или вообще ничего не знал о музыке и литературе), очутился один в Байру, на вилле в Итте, где смиренно смотрел на световые модели цветных людей и декорации лейпцигских мастеров, с тем же вниманием, с каким обращал внимание на грандиозные пластические диорамы (не пустяковое дело!), миниатюрные поезда Мерклина или Флейшмана разбросаны по всей этой чужой Тевтонии.
Модели от точного масштаба до абсолютной детализации — настоящая философская константа для немцев, возможно, они пытались сделать течение великой виллы менее драматичным, тогда как первые голосовали за минималистичный, красочный и идиллический Vorstellungen».
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Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, between 5000 euros and 500.000.00 euros Your question will be checked at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your application will be verified at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your application will be verified at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, between 5000 euros and 500.000.00 euros Your question will be checked at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, between 5000 euros and 500.000.00 euros Your question will be checked at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your application will be verified at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your application will be verified at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, between 5000 euros and 500.000.00 euros Your question will be checked at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your application will be verified at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your application will be verified at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, between 5000 euros and 500.000.00 euros Your question will be checked at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, between 5000 euros and 500.000.00 euros Your question will be checked at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your application will be verified at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your application will be verified at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com
Greetings madam and sir. Your menu of the month This is a personal most anticipated offer. Realize your project at no cost. This can be achieved by applying for a loan on that day. Loan according to your needs. A letter of credit that can be obtained without a guarantee. You can get credits without detailing your project. Choose the amount of your choice, between 5000 euros and 500.000.00 euros Your question will be checked at 24:00. Please send with Mr. Didier gomesse to the email address didiergomesse@gmail.com

Время публикации: 07 ноября 2022 г.