Venus Pipes & Tubes Listed on BSE, NSE Today: Time, Listing Price, Share Price, Strategy

Shares of Venus Pipes & Tubes Limited will debut on Dalal Street on Tuesday. Shares of Venus Pipes & Tubes Limited will debut on Dalal Street on Tuesday. Акции Venus Pipes & Tubes Limited дебютируют на улице Далал во вторник. Shares of Venus Pipes & Tubes Limited will debut on Dalal Street on Tuesday. Venus Pipes & Tubes Limited 的股票将于周二在Dalal Street 上市。 Venus Pipes & Tubes Limited Акции Venus Pipes & Tubes Limited будут размещены на Dalal Street во вторник. Shares of Venus Pipes & Tubes Limited will be listed on Dalal Street on Tuesday. Venus Pipes & Tubes stock will get listed on both the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) at 10 am on May 24. Venus Pipes & Tubes initial public offering (IPO) received decent response from the investors during the subscription period. Venus Pipes & Tubes stock will get listed on both the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) at 10 am on May 24. Venus Pipes & Tubes initial public offering (IPO) received decent response from the investors during the subscription period. Акции Venus Pipes & Tubes будут зарегистрированы как на Национальной фондовой бирже (NSE), так и на Бомбейской фондовой бирже (BSE) в 10:00 24 мая. Venus Pipes & Tubes shares will be listed on both the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) at 10:00 am on 24 May. Первичное публичное размещение акций (IPO) Venus Pipes & Tubes получило достойный отклик от инвесторов во время подписки. The initial public offering (IPO) of Venus Pipes & Tubes received a decent response from investors at the time of the subscription. period. Venus Pipes & Tubes 股票将于5 月24 日上午10 点在国家证券交易所(NSE) 和孟买证券交易所(BSE) 上市。 Venus Pipes & Tubes Акции Venus Pipes & Tubes будут размещены на Национальной фондовой бирже (NSE) и Бомбейской фондовой бирже (BSE) 24 мая в 10:00. Venus Pipes & Tubes shares will be listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) on May 24 at 10:00 am. Venus Pipes & Tubes 首次公开募股(IPO) 在认购期间收到了投资者的好评时期。 Venus Pipes & Tubes Первичное публичное размещение акций (IPO) Venus Pipes & Tubes получило положительные отзывы инвесторов в течение периода подписки. The initial public offering (IPO) of Venus Pipes & Tubes received positive investor feedback during the subscription period.
Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO opened from subscription from May 11-13. Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO opened from subscription from May 11-13. IPO Venus Pipes & Tubes открыто по подписке с 11 по 13 мая. The Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO is open by subscription from May 11 to 13. Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO 于5 月11 日至13 日从认购开始。 Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO IPO Venus Pipes & Tubes началось 11-13 мая с подписки. The Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO began on May 11-13 with a subscription. The manufacturer and exporter from Gujarat aims to raise Rs 165.42 crore through a public offering. The price range was set at Rs 310-326 per share. The Venus Pipes IPO included the sale of 5.074 million new shares of the company. There are no offers for sale (OFS) of components.
Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO was subscribed 16.31 during the offer period. Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO was subscribed 16.31 during the offer period. IPO Venus Pipes & Tubes было подписано 16.31 в течение периода предложения. The Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO was signed on 16.31 during the offer period. Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO 在要约期内被认购16.31。 Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO IPO Venus Pipes & Tubes было подписано в 16:31 в течение периода предложения. The Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO was signed at 4:31 pm during the offering period. The quota allocated to Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIB) was signed 12.02 times. The part reserved for non-institutional investors (NIIs) was booked 15.66 times. Retail investors ordered 19.04 times.
The grey market premium of Venus Pipes & Tubes was Rs 45 on Tuesday ahead of the listing, according to the market observers. The gray market premium of Venus Pipes & Tubes was Rs 45 on Tuesday ahead of the listing, according to the market observers. По словам обозревателей рынка, премия Venus Pipes & Tubes на сером рынке во вторник перед листингом составила 45 рупий. Venus Pipes & Tubes had a gray market premium of Rs 45 on the pre-listing Tuesday, according to market watchers.据市场观察人士称,周二上市前,Venus Pipes & Tubes 的灰色市场溢价为45 卢比。 Venus Pipes & Tubes 的灰色市场溢价为45 卢比。 По данным наблюдателей за рынком, у Venus Pipes & Tubes была премия на сером рынке в размере 45 рупий перед листингом во вторник. Venus Pipes & Tubes had a gray market premium of Rs 45 before listing on Tuesday, according to market watchers. Unlisted shares of Venus Pipes trade on the gray market at Rs 371, up 14% from the upper limit of the issue price. The strong premium in the grey market and decent response from investors indicate positive listing for Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO on May 24. The strong premium in the gray market and decent response from investors indicate positive listing for Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO on May 24. Высокая премия на сером рынке и достойная реакция инвесторов свидетельствуют о положительном результате IPO Venus Pipes & Tubes 24 мая. A high premium on the gray market and a decent reaction from investors testify to the positive result of the Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO on May 24th.灰色市场的强劲溢价和投资者的良好反应表明Venus Pipes & Tubes 将于5 月24 日首次公开募股。 Venus Pipes & Tubes 将于5 月24 日首次公开募股。 Сильные премии на сером рынке и благоприятная реакция инвесторов указывают на IPO Venus Pipes & Tubes 24 мая. Strong gray market premiums and favorable investor response point to Venus Pipes & Tubes IPO on May 24th.
Venus Pipes is a pipe and pipe manufacturer specializing in the production of welded and seamless pipes from one category of metals, namely stainless steel. The company is currently manufacturing five product lines, namely, a) stainless steel high precision & heat exchanger tubes, b) stainless steel hydraulic & instrumentation tubes, c) stainless steel seamless pipes, d) Stainless steel welded pipes, e) Stainless steel box pipes. The company is currently manufacturing five product lines, namely, a) stainless steel high precision & heat exchanger tubes, b) stainless steel hydraulic & instrumentation tubes, c) stainless steel seamless pipes, d) Stainless steel welded pipes, e) Stainless steel box pipes. The company currently produces five product lines, namely: a) stainless steel precision and heat exchange tubes, b) stainless steel hydraulic and instrumentation tubes, c) stainless steel seamless tubes, d) stainless steel welded tubes, e) stainless steel boxes. pipes.公司目前生产5条产品线,即a)不锈钢高精度&换热管,b)不锈钢液压&仪表管,c)不锈钢无缝管,d)不锈钢焊管,e)不锈钢箱体管道。公司 目前 生产 生产 5 条 产品 , 即 即 即 即 即 不锈 钢 精度 & 换 热管 , , , , , , , 不锈 钢 & , , c) 不锈 钢 无 缝管 , d) 不锈 焊管 , , E) 不锈 钢 管道 管道 管道 管道 At present, the company produces 5 product lines, namely: a) high-precision and heat exchange stainless steel pipes, b) stainless steel pipes for hydraulic and instrumentation, c) seamless stainless steel pipes, d) welded stainless steel pipes steel, e) stainless steel box tubes.
Regarding the Venus Pipes IPO valuation, Hem Securities said: “The company issued bonds at a price of Rs 310-326 per share, which is 21 times higher than the 9 million earnings per share in fiscal year 22.”
Commenting on the listing proceeds, Ravi Singh, Vice President and Head of Research at Share India, said: “In addition to selling steel pipes, Venus is also involved in exports. The company has maintained steady growth over the past few years, and its earnings are also improving year on year. Despite the negative market sentiment these days, the Venus IPO could be at a premium of around 4-5% and investors can hold the stock in the medium to long term.”
Manoj Dalmiya, Founder and Director of Proficient Equities, said: “The company has a presence in both the domestic and global commodities markets. It has been able to achieve robust business growth in recent years and its margin pressures are decreasing year by year. The company’s performance is quite strong and it will likely go public regardless of secondary market sentiment.”
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Post time: Aug-17-2022